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Backpacking Fish and Owl Creek Canyons

Aaron Zagrodnick

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

The desert is full of little gems, and again I was off to explore another little nook in the wide expanse of the Colorado Plateau in Utah. As I headed south on U.S. 191, passing through the sleepy towns of Monticello and Blanding, my headlights cut through the darkness of the night shaded road. I was on another unplanned road trip, fueled by my need for some space and nature therapy after having a miserable week in the city. When it rains it pours, and after passing through Blanding I saw the all too familiar red and blue flashers…

Ted Ehrlich on backpacking Fish and Owl Creek canyons, Utah – Read the full report in Issue 20:

The Escape: Fish and Owl Creek Canyon

Backpacking and Hiking Fish and Owl Crek Canyon, Utah

Issue 20 Page 1

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Two weeks ago I packed Fish and Owl Creek canyons. I descended Owl and came out Fish Creek. As I made the steep ascent, I noticed more cliff dwellings on Fish's opposite rim. The canyon continues for a considerable distance. A future excursion is to descend into Fish Creek and explore its upper reaches.


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