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Trees: A Confession

Aaron Zagrodnick

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Aaron Zagrodnick

You know, I've been thinking................. “Hold on now,” you might rightly say. “Isn't that a rather dangerous thing to be doing in this modern, super technological, and civilized age?” “Yes, perhaps” I would reply, “but these thoughts just won't go away.” I must put into words what I have thought and felt for a long time......I Love Trees! Yes, I said it. I Love Trees! I love trees of all kinds, from the massive redwood to the humble willow. I've loved them for a very long time…

Gary Meyer with a trail confession in Issue 19, take a look at the full article below:

Trees: A Confession


Issue 19 Page 1

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You know, I've been thinking................. “Hold on now,” you might rightly say. “Isn't that a rather dangerous thing to be doing in this modern, super technological, and civilized age?” “Yes, perhaps” I would reply, “but these thoughts just won't go away.” I must put into words what I have thought and felt for a long time......I Love Trees! Yes, I said it. I Love Trees! I love trees of all kinds, from the massive redwood to the humble willow. I've loved them for a very long time…

Gary Meyer with a trail confession in Issue 19, take a look at the full article below:

Trees: A Confession


Issue 19 Page 1

Thought for the day............

Every creature is better alive than dead, men and moose and pine trees, and he who understands it aright will rather preserve its life than destroy it.

Henry David Thoreau

Gary M

Olathe, Kansas

"Isn't the purpose of hiking and backpacking to enjoy the freedom and wonders of the outdoors? To see and explore the beauty of nature first-hand? To experience the trail as if it is your first time seeing such things?"

Edited by Gary M
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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's an astonishing crazy sounding statement. Trees will have a conversation with you. Yes, I said that. I did not mean you talking to yourself. I mean trees will communicate with you. There's a sharing of life in both of you therefore you can connect in ways not yet fully understood.

Yes, I love trees too. I consider some very dear friends.

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Here's an astonishing crazy sounding statement. Trees will have a conversation with you. Yes, I said that. I did not mean you talking to yourself. I mean trees will communicate with you. There's a sharing of life in both of you therefore you can connect in ways not yet fully understood.

Yes, I love trees too. I consider some very dear friends.

Yes, very interesting.....................

My original title to the article was; "Tree Love Confession". You know, like those pulp magazines you see at the grocery checkout line, "True Love Confession"!

Thankfully I didn't get abducted by aliens, see Elvis, or anything. I just happen to love trees.

It hurts me to see trees or nature in general destroyed just so a new mini-mall can be built in it's place. Do we really need a new shopping mall? Can development be made so as to save the surrounding trees and environment? I have no desire for more asphalt and concrete. Give me a tree any day of the week over a parking lot.

Gary M

Olathe, Kansas


"Isn't the purpose of hiking and backpacking to enjoy the freedom and wonders of the outdoors? To see and explore the beauty of nature first-hand? To experience the trail as if it is your first time seeing such things?"

Edited by Gary M
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  • 2 weeks later...

Gary, I really enjoyed your article. I, too, am a tree lover. I hate it when developers raze a stand of trees to build a bunch of houses and then name the development something like, Oak Grove Homes...ridiculous!

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Gary, I really enjoyed your article. I, too, am a tree lover. I hate it when developers raze a stand of trees to build a bunch of houses and then name the development something like, Oak Grove Homes...ridiculous!

You are so right! Here locally developers love to name new sub-divisions after the trees that they destroyed during the "development process". I've seen plenty of Cedar Woods, Walnut Groves, Pinehurst Estates, etc.; $250,000 homes built on acreage once covered by priceless trees! Talk about unintended irony!

Thanks for reading the article, I really appreciate your comment. As I noted, I've had a thing for trees for as long as I can remember.

Gary M

Olathe, Kansas

"Isn't the purpose of hiking and backpacking to enjoy the freedom and wonders of the outdoors? To see and explore the beauty of nature first-hand? To experience the trail as if it is your first time seeing such things?"

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