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Hiking With Diabetes: A Few Quick Tips


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I recently ran across a pretty important concern that doesn't seem to be talked about enough, especially a 'Written Sick Day Plan' for campers with Diabetes. Since I am not diabetic, I hope this can generate some new feedback, so we can all educate each other in this important subject!

As a Wilderness First Responder, I keep a packet of honey in my 1st Aid Kit (like a ketchup packet). There’s not much out there that can get a dangerously low blood sugar to raise quicker. You can look for glucose paste, but it is much more difficult to find & costs a lot more. Note: WFR's in the field CANNOT TREAT Diabetic concerns unless the patient has an unresponsive LOR (Level Of Responsiveness).

Another important thing that comes to mind for a diabetic is to keep a written SICK DAY PLAN: A ‘What To Do, And How To Do It’ if you have an episode on the trail. One might need someone else to follow the instructions, so it should be easy to understand and follow. TOO MUCH INSULIN can give signs and symptoms of weakness, irritability, and becoming disoriented. +Heart Rate, +Respitory Rate, Pink/Cool/Clammy skin color/tempterature/moisture. TOO LITTLE INSULIN can give signs and symptoms of restlessness, drunk-like behavior, +Heart Rate (Rapid/Weak), +Respitory Rate, Hunger/Thirst, frequent urine output, fatigue. Breath can sometimes be noted as being sweet. Often times, an unsuitable diabetic reaction can cause your trip to have a 0 day.

A certified WFR can NEVER give sugar/insulin to a patient, THIS IS AN IMMEDIATE EVACUATION SCENERIO!


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The previous post, and any subsequent posts contain general information about medical conditions, nutrition, health and diets. The information is not advice and should not be treated as such.

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