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Hiker rescued after 6 days with broken leg


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This is why i always carry a personal locator beacon (I prefer my ACR resqlink) in the backcountry, Solo or not. Glad he was found and survived. Shows how little you can do, even if you're experienced, if you have an immobilizing injury. Leaving plans with people is always a good idea too, which is why he was eventually found, but he would have been rescued days earlier if he had a beacon.

Edited by tmountainnut
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Amen. After many years of being without a beacon, I purchased a ACR resqlink two months ago. Even convinced a friend to make a similar purchase. I probably do 1/4 to 1/3 of my climbs solo, and it's nice to know that if something similar happened, I have the option of yelling for help!

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I rented a beacon when I climbed Mt. Hood, definitely a must for backcountry, especially mountaineering.

Glad to hear they found him safe.

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