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The Joy of Day Hiking

Aaron Zagrodnick

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Aaron Zagrodnick

A backpacking trip really immerses a person into the wilderness. One step at a time, the mountains reveal themselves. The fresh air of the woods is soothing as a person is snug in their sleeping bags with the stars above and the ground beneath them. But sometimes getting out for even an overnight trip on a weekend is impossible. Social or family obligations need to be met and sometimes time is a scarce commodity…

Paul Magnanti on the benefits of those shorter trips, read the full article below in Issue 15:

The Joy of Day Hiking

Issue 15 Page 1

Day Hiking

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  • 3 weeks later...

Day Hiking !!

Getting really old forced me to try day hiking more -- and to try some day snowshoeing in the heart of winter. Winter day-hiking has lots and lots to recommend it, not the least of which is the opportunity to thaw out in a hot shower in the evening!

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  • 7 months later...

I am the proud owner of a brand new day-pack (North Face Stormbreak35) and plan on many day trips this year. Too often I was getting caught up in trying to schedule multi-day trips to no avail due to life's responsibilities. I can't wait to hit the trail over the next few weeks for some shorter excursions.

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I am the proud owner of a brand new day-pack (North Face Stormbreak35) and plan on many day trips this year. Too often I was getting caught up in trying to schedule multi-day trips to no avail due to life's responsibilities. I can't wait to hit the trail over the next few weeks for some shorter excursions.

I totally agree with you. I can get in many shorter trips (and/or day trips) vs trying to schedule a longer event. Something always comes up (usually work) so the longer plans fall through way too often.

Read http://www.trailgroove.com/issue15.html?autoflip=95 by Paul Magnanti

Gary M

Olathe, Kansas

"Isn't the purpose of hiking and backpacking to enjoy the freedom and wonders of the outdoors? To see and explore the beauty of nature first-hand? To experience the trail as if it is your first time seeing such things?"

Edited by Gary M
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Camping, hiking, backpacks, skis, climbs....just get out there! That's the important thing.

Sometimes a good, solid day hike is what is needed to hit a "reset" button on life and ground yourself again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Due to a disability I have, day hiking is all I am really comfortable doing. But I do it and am thankful every time I am out there. I am just a beginner, but I so enjoy being in the outdoors. I call it my happy place!

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I have had to cut back on multi-day backpacking trips due to work also but I can be in the Pecos Wilderness or the Santa Fe National Forest or the Jemez Mountains in 30 minutes for some amazing day hikes. Its how I decompress after 60 hour work weeks.

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For me, day hikes are something that I do almost daily since I retired although, to be honest, I've always been fortunate to have jobs that allowed me to get outside frequently. I've never had kids so that has given me the oppurtunity to do a lot of things without the major concern of supporting a family. Now at age 70 I'm in great physical shape and will hopefully take a shot at some backpacking this summer. The only issue will be my dog who will turn 16 in august. He too is in pretty good shape but like me, a little bit slower now days.

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  • 2 months later...

Great article. I've done some overnights, but haven't been out for many years (multiple reasons...some good, some bad). We've recently started to try to get out and hike some of the trails in our local (Maryland) state and national parks. Get the kids out for a few hours. What I find is that even a couple of hours gets me in trail mode, and that carries over for a few days after. I'd like to get out for a little longer, but even a quick recharge helps immensely.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree life can definitely get in the way of your "fun outings"! I recently wanted to do an overnight backpacking trip and just couldn't find the time. I ended up doing a 15 mile day hike on the AT, and it certainly awakened the desire to get out more!

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