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Backpacking in the Arctic: Mountain Adventure in Norway and Sweden

Aaron Zagrodnick

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

Above the Arctic Circle in the mountains of Norway and Sweden lies a backpacking wonderland. It would take several lifetimes to explore all the valleys with big views, jagged peaks, and alpine lakes and rivers. The idea for this summer of 2022 backpacking route actually came about during a winter cross country ski trip back in March of 2020. On that ski trip, my good friend and intrepid adventurer, Rob Newton, and I were tucked away in a mountain hut just along the border of Arctic Sweden and Norway, waiting out a snow storm to ski to a nearby valley and decided to spend some time looking at maps of the region for future adventures. We kept in touch and eventually settled on a summer route that combined a loop around Storsteinsfjellet in Norway and some valleys in Sweden on the way back to the mountain station at Abisko above Lake Torneträsk...

@DustyD shares this report on a journey through the arctic tundra of Norway and Sweden - take a look at the article in Issue 55:

Backpacking in the Arctic: Mountain Adventure in Norway and Sweden

Hiking and Backpacking Norway and Sweden

Issue 55 Page 1

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