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New from New York

Miracle Man

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Miracle Man

Western New York, 375 miles and 6.5 hours east of and away from NYC.

This is Miracle Man. My sisters gave me that name once I emerged from a month in a coma after being hit by a car. A very drunk driver in an SUV hit me. He went to prison. I went into a trauma ward in a hospital. Month in a coma, five months in the hospital. A year and a half of cognizance and physical therapy twice a week. I was a mess.

But I lived. Hopefully civil trial wraps up this year (injuries sustained Valentine's Day 2019) so I am in the preliminary stages/research/gathering gear for a '23 SoBo solo through-hike of the AT.

After all this injuries/recovery/trial drama I am going to unplug, detach and go for a stroll in the woods.

I will turn 55 on the trail next July.

See you out there.


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Michael aka Mac

MM , sorry to hear about such a tragic ordeal that you had endured and currently recovering from. Although I have never been hit by a car before, I was homebound for 9 months and bed ridden for 3 of those months unable to sit, walk, or even stand without unimaginable pain. Took a couple of years to get my !@#$ together after that ordeal.

With that said, considering I am probably the most stubborn hard A$$ that I know,  even I wouldn't venture a solo Sobo AT trek when 1st getting back into the wild after such a horrific experience.  I tip my hat to you for wanting to get on with your life and exploring the great outdoors, but have you ever heard of baby steps?

For those that do not know what Sobo AT refers to,  Sobo means South bounder, and is referring to the hardest beginning access to the Appalachian Trail. Sobo in this case means one is starting off at the get-go with the nitty gritty, denying one's self from getting their trail legs on, and starting off right uphill with challenging terrain.

MM, I implore you to either change this from a solo  trek to one with a partner, or at the very least, start off on the AT at an easier access point giving you time to see how your body reacts.

Regardless what you decide, I hope that you heed these suggestions:

1) Notify your family where exactly you are departing from

2) Inform several people of your  itinerary: What route you are taking, where you plan to sleep each night,     final destination.

3) Call someone each time you reach your camping destination each day

4) Leave notes on your tent when you are leaving your campsite with details where     you are going incase you get injured.  ( ie. going on hike, going to the bathroom, getting water from stream  etc.)

Just incase you forgot anything in your to buy list for camping

Backpack gear checklist

I am not sure if you are trying to prove something to yourself or others, or maybe just jumping in full throttle is your usual speed, but  I personally suggest that you take things in strides with less obstacle's in front of you when just getting back into the wilderness after such a life changing ordeal.

Either way, I wish you luck MM and happiness and I glad to hear that such an experience hasn't left you homebound. 

Happy Trails,

Michael aka Mac

about the Author:

Michael aka Mac, (his Trail name, short for MacGyver), is  a Survivalist and outdoor enthusiast with over 40 years of experience in the great outdoors and a is a former professional Outdoor Survival writer,. His background is in engineering & physics and he brings this knowledge into his gear inventions and outdoor experiences.  Now Michael aka Mac, when he is not in the wilderness, spends his free time as a Freelance gear reviewer of outdoor gear & gadgets, an outdoor Blogger,  and teacher & writer of outdoor non combat survival skills.

Edited by Michael aka Mac
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Miracle Man

Oh I hear ya man. I am not going in cold as they say. I have already begun since '20 daily fitness walks with ever increasing distance.

From what I gather nobody actually hikes solo as loose groups or "tramilies" form up along the way. I am not having Scotty beam me down to the surface of some remote God forsaken planet alone and at the mercy of the elements amidst herds of predatory brain sucking aliens.

It has been going on three years now, July 3rd '19, that I was released from the hospital. Then commenced a year and a half of cognizance and physical therapy twice a week. I have come a long way since those days.

I will be carrying Garmin satellite instrumentation and a cell phone to keep in regular touch with civilization.

Daunting challenges? Yes, of course. That is part of the myriad reasons I am going. Disheartening? Hell no. This old Marine is made of tougher stuff than that. I will take right to it and swim in it like a duck.

Don't worry for me, worry for the bears.


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Michael aka Mac

Well MM Does a Bear !@#$ in the woods?  

Ok so i cannot answer that question personally as I have never seen that before...(bear)

Well as for Scotty from Star Trek    all i got to say is    " Captain this is Scotty, Beam me up Captain as there seems to be no intelligent Life on Earth..."      Not me  it's a quote

Still MM solo vs duo i choose duo   it's the smart move mate...

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Michael aka Mac

But yea  if you are going to group up with others on the way that's a different story.  & yea  I misunderstood  and didn't realize that you have been preparing for this for some time.

Some tricks with the cell phone that you probably already know.   Turn off bluetooth, wifi, and set to Air Plane mode to conserve battery life (phone gps works in air plane mode).  Also a Power Bank may be of use to you to charge your phone & GPS, and you can charge that  at certain areas on the trip.

Well MM  enjoy your trip,  it is well deserved and may you live up to your name for a very long time.  God Speed sir...

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