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Suggestions for a 20-25day long-distance hike


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I am looking for a 20-25 day hike anywhere on the West Coast or Central USA. Essentially not on the west coast.

I am coming from London and want a good challenge before starting at Dartmouth College.

I have previously looked at the JMT but it looks a little to crowded for my liking. I am quite comfortable with navigating so that isn't to much of an issue.

Any help will be greatly appreciated


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Michael aka Mac

My fondest outdoor memories were of Yosemite. It is in California,  you may even want to check out Disney & Universal Studios too.

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Oregon Coastal Tr, 1/2 or more of the Pacific Northwest Tr(I suggest starting at Olympic NP or even doing the bookends), West Coast Tr(a literal obstacle course), Lake Superior Hiking Tr( a not well know too often forgotten trail/route which makes it AWESOME),  Colorado Tr(avoid on weekends between Breckenridge and just south of Monarch Pass  where many miles are  open to heavy MTBer use on narrow single track), Ozark  Highlands Tr(my top pick), Superior Hiking Tr, Sheltowee Trace(I did it 2x I enjoyed the solitude so much,  I saw more arches between Red River Gorge and Big S. Fork Nat Rec Area than in Arches NP although the Arch complexes in A NP are truly AWESOME),  Mountains to Sea Tr starting at Clingmans Dome getting at least through Linville Gorge(again another too often forgotten long distance trail in the Mid Atlantic region too often as a result of the AT's uber over loved popularity). When at Dartmouth,  VT, NH and ME AT and the northern part of the Long(Vermont Tr) north of Trail Junction  would be must do's. You can literally walk out of a Dartmouth Dorm or Class and walk to the AT in under 10 mins in Hanover while stopping to get a slice of pizza and cold beer and fling a Frisibee around. Don't ask me how I know. 

If you have the chops and before it gets anymore popular consider the Sierra High Route. I did it 2x. If you want a more subdued  more front country vibe with still miles of remoteness on a well used trail consider the Tahoe Rim Tr.

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If you have the cardio chops its hard to ignore 25 days total mixing it up in the adjacent nearby areas of Yellowstone NP, Grand Tetons NP, and the Wind River Range. Get ready to sweat...over the drop dead gorgeous scenery ....and the strenuous nature of  these areas. 

Give me a state or U.S. region or Can Province and I can  run the ink jet printer dry.

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