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Issue 14 Released

Aaron Zagrodnick

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

Issue 14 of TrailGroove Magazine is now available! Click the preceding link or the cover below to take a look:

In This Issue:

Desert Gold: Photographing and Hiking in Death Valley National Park

The Elusive Eagle Rock Loop, Arkansas

Jargon: Cairn

Tip: Desert Hiking

Shoulder Season Backpacking

Pat’s Backcountry Beverage System Review

Trail News

Gear Mash

Photo Tips from the Trail: Photographing the Wild Coast

In Praise of the Easy Amble

Backcountry Cuisine: Greens in Death Valley

Brainerd Lake, California

The Drive Home: Stepping Into the Maze

Over 100 free pages dedicated to backpacking and hiking. Special thanks to all of our readers and contributors for your support and contributions towards the latest issue! If it's your first time viewing the magazine, we suggest starting on Page 1 for viewing tips and tricks. Prefer a different format or want to view the magazine offline? A PDF (22 MB) is also available. Your input is highly appreciated. Let us know what you thought about Issue 14 here on the TrailGroove Forum, or shoot us an email anytime. Thanks for reading and keep an eye out for Issue 15, due out in mid-May.


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Aaron and contributors to TG Issue 14:

I was excited to see Issue 14 available, even more so when I noted the desert theme. Desert hiking is my absolute favorite, I'd trade many mountain treks to just get one desert experience. But, of course, that's my particular passion.

The Death Valley National Park article by Sean Sparbanie is just about the best I've seen. The photography is almost beyond words. I grew up in the Mid-West (St. Louis), so the desert environment is just breathtaking to me. Congratulations on this excellent piece.

Also outstanding is the article by Susan Dragoo, "The Elusive Eagle Rock Loop". I've been on the trail in this part of the Ouachita NF, and the Little Missouri is a great hike. The last time, I hauled in some salmon along with grilled asparagus with real butter and Parmesan cheese. It was like a bit of heaven in Arkansas.

Lastly, nice note by Paul Magnanti on the 50th anniversary of the "Pop Tart". Would I have ever gotten into hiking without Pop Tarts or peanut butter?? Probably not!! By the way, my favorite is the cherry flavor without the frosting.

Again, fantastic work, excellent issue.

Gary M

TrailGroove Senior Member (I think that just means I'm old!)

Olathe, Kansas

Edited by Gary M
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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

Thanks for the feedback Gary. The issue definitely did take on a desert / southwest theme as we were putting it all together...Great time of the year to fit those types of trips in! FYI the senior member designation isn't intended to imply any age, just the fact that you've hit the 100 post mark on the forum. :D

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Thanks for the feedback Gary. The issue definitely did take on a desert / southwest theme as we were putting it all together...Great time of the year to fit those types of trips in! FYI the senior member designation isn't intended to imply any age, just the fact that you've hit the 100 post mark on the forum. :D

Thanks; Of course the "old" comment was in jest. Quick reminder to anyone who has not read it, get a copy of Desert Solitaire: A Season in the Wilderness by Edward Abbey (1927–89), published originally in 1968. It may change your outlook on life, it did for me!

Have to run, my wife just got home. I was supposed to be doing some chores but instead was reading TrailGroove.

Gary M

Olathe, Kansas

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Gary, Thank you very much for the kind words on my DV article. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

-Sean Sparbanie

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Gary, Thank you very much for the kind words on my DV article. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

-Sean Sparbanie


You are very welcome, but actually my words can not nearly match the photographs! I'm just a (very) amateur photographer, just good enough to be able to appreciate really great quality. Keep up the excellent work and I'll just keep trying.

Please do not hesitate to share more of your work!

Gary M

Olathe, Kansas

Edited by Gary M
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