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Mt Whitney permit


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Good Luck with the lottery......Do you happen to know how many applications were made and how many are chosen?

Gary M

Olathe, Kansas

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What TH you start from and what route one may take to the summit can factor into getting that permit. YES, there is more than one way to get to the summit. Depends on what you're up for.

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That's the way the majority get their Mt Whitney permits - leaving from the Whitney Portal TH(Whitney Portal Rd/Parking Lot and hiping up to Trail Pass) - and hence the most competitive way to go about getting a Mt Whitney permit. If you must leave from that TH try to get/apply for a permit for a weekday, preferably tues-thurs, NOT on or near a Holiday, and NOT on a weekend or a friday. It can be a zoo up there on a weekend with nice weather anyhow. Additionally, during those high use periods it can be like a daisy chain herd going up/down on single track. Personally, I find that beaten route to be too long as it's very gradually graded with a great number of switchbacks designed that way for trail stock and the masses(often VERY out of shape) but it's good for day hikers with day permits who want to summit and get back down in one day. I personally don't generally recommend that though. That's entirely too much, in several regards, for a one day hike.

I'll offer this. It may not be your thing but maybe someone else could use the info. Like I said, if you have the time consider coming in from the west(Crabtree Meadow) and summiting Mt Whitney as part of a longer hike or doing a steep scrambling route up from Boy Scout/Iceberg Lakes requiring scrambling on scree/route finding skills(Class 3, technical climbing equipment not normally if required, ie; when not ice/snow covered). The North Fork Route as described in the last link. Mt Whitney Permits are easier to get that way.


There are also available WALK UP MT Whitney permits you can get.



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I chose the 22 mile day hike primarily because I didn't want to hump my pack up there and sleep on rocks with a bunch of people and no privacy. I don't have the route finding/scree scrambling skills yet, so I figured I'd put mind over matter. I put in for several different day options...the weekends of course, and a few Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays. In a perfect world, one of my dates gets pulled and one of my friends also gets pulled. That way we have two shots at it in case we turn back due to weather or altitude issues. Thanks for the links, I'll surely check them out. As my backpacking skills improve (only have been 3 times..one was a solo), I can consider coming in the back way. I did entertain myself by looking up Halfmile PCT maps via google earth and virtually 'flying' over the trail. It looks amazing!!

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Thanks for the reminder about the permits.

Whitney would be a great hike. I have a friend in LA that wants to do it too, so I've got a ride. Maybe i should try my luck and see if i get an overnight permit, and hike in Saturday, summiting Sunday morning, and catching a red eye to get back for work on Monday. i could probably do it as a day hike, but my buddy is at sea level and would defiantly struggle at altitude without some minor acclimatizing of two nights at altitude. He spent the weekend in Ouray with me a few weeks ago, and he could feel the altitude at ~8000 feet.

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  • 1 month later...

WOO HOO!!!! I was awarded a permit in the lottery for Friday July 18. First time requesting a permit. What luck. Now the obsessin....er planning begins.



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WOO HOO!!!! I was awarded a permit in the lottery for Friday July 18. First time requesting a permit. What luck. Now the obsessin....er planning begins.

How did you find out that you got your permit? i thought that they don't tell you till tomorrow?

(nevermind, i figured it out, i didn't get my permit)


Edited by tmountainnut
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Keep an eye on the website. I am hearing people say that as they accept or decline a permit, some dates will open up.

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