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2021 REI Member Reward (Replaces Dividend) Release

Aaron Zagrodnick

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

The spring hiking season must be close as along with warmer temperatures it looks like REI has now released a member reward - checked my account this afternoon and noticed that REI has applied a reward balance to my account, with this being earlier than I can recall ever seeing a past dividend coming through. Seems that due to last year's difficulties this is not a dividend, but the same amount that a dividend would have been. You can check your balance here:


I mostly picked up gear on sale last year so looks like I'll be putting mine part of the way towards a new pair of trail runners once the member rewards sale goes live or maybe pick up a few freeze dried meals in the meantime. Anyone have any gear they've been waiting to pick up with their dividend / reward?

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I also just noticed they have posted dividends--ordered an Ursack major XL that was on my wish list and only had to pay a net of $7.50.  Going to use it this August for the Wind River High Route.

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