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Issue 10 Released

Aaron Zagrodnick

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

Issue 10 of TrailGroove Magazine is now available! Click the preceding link or the cover below to take a look:

In This Issue:

Backpacking in the Bob Marshall Wilderness

Hiking Along the Ouachita Trail

Jargon: Hydrostatic Head

Tip: Backcountry Foot Care

Wandering in Sacred Places

Delorme inReach SE Review

Variations on Gray Wolf Ridge

Gear Mash

Photo Tips from the Trail: The Rule of Thirds

Our Last Hike with Dad

Backcountry Cuisine: Pumpkin Curry

The Drive Home: The Easy Route

Over 100 free pages dedicated to backpacking and hiking. Special thanks to all of our readers and contributors for your support and contributions towards the latest issue! If it's your first time viewing the magazine, we suggest starting on Page 1 for viewing tips and tricks. Prefer a different format or want to view the magazine offline? A PDF is also available. (20 MB) Your input is highly appreciated. Let us know what you thought about Issue 10 here on the TrailGroove Forum, or shoot us an email anytime. Thanks for reading and keep an eye out for Issue 11, due out in November.


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Haven't had a chance to read through the whole issue but was really excited to see the piece on the Ouachita trail. My neck of the woods rarely gets much hiking press. I actually maintain a couple miles of that trail and was pleased to see it covered. Keep up the good work!

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

Thanks WanderAR, glad you had a chance to check it out! Hopefully we'll be able to feature more on the OT and other destinations in the area moving forward as well.

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Aaron .......

Got a chance to read Issue 10. Great stuff, wonderful work as before. TrailGroove always has fantastic photographs, absolutely breathtaking!

My favorite this issue is "The Ouachita Trail" by Susan Dragoo. Fine work, I hope everyone takes the time to read this contribution. I've had a couple of opportunities to hike the eastern portion of the OT, and it's a great experience.

Those who read and enjoy TG have something in common. The wilderness calls us. It calls, and we feel compelled to answer the only way we know. The OT (I feel) is probably just about the best place to visit for us folks west of the AT and east of the rockies. It's a great place to answer that call from the wilderness.

Gary M

Olathe, Kansas

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Thanks for another wonderful issue of great info and pictures. I loved it all; of course the OT story is close to home for me as I'm about halfway thru section hiking it and hope to complete it this fall/winter.

@WanderAR, thank you for your contribution to the trail!

I also appreciate the InReach info, as my McMurdo FastFind is nearing retirement age.

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

Thanks Gary & Leigh, glad you enjoyed Issue 10! I haven't done any hiking on the Ouachita Trail in years, but I'm hoping to make it out that way for some backpacking later this fall after we start to get snowed in here...I'm definitely looking forward to it!

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