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Delorme inReach SE Review

Aaron Zagrodnick

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

This spring Delorme released the inReach SE. (Screen Edition), an updated version of their popular inReach Satellite Communicator. The newer SE builds on the original model by allowing 2-way 160 character satellite messaging and SOS without the need for a Bluetooth connected smartphone – Messages can be read and replied to using to SE's color screen and 4-way directional pad, although an iOS or Android smartphone can still be connected for ease of use and for additional capabilities...

Check out the full inReach SE review below in Issue 10:

Delorme inReach SE Review

Issue 10 Page 1

Delorme inReach SE Review

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Interesting write up on the Delorme inReach SE. It seems a bit pricey to me, but it would be really nice if backpacking a major Long Trail. Since I'm either just day hiking or doing a one or two night trail, I'm going to stay with my faithful Garmin GPSmap62s along with my cell phone.

I'm taking off from work, heading for the trail early tomorrow. Don't you just love it!

Gary M

Olathe, Kansas

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick


Have a good hike in the morning and thanks for checking out the review. I was lucky enough to catch the inReach SE on sale this spring, and Delorme offered 2 months of free service around that time as well...So that definitely helped with the initial price tag. Depending on what you're after I'd say the price could be too steep or doable if stand-alone 2 way satellite messaging capability is what you need.

It's more expensive than the Spot 2 I've had for a while, but as far as messaging is concerned, the Spot only allowed basic outbound notifications over the non-worldwide (But fine for the Continental United States) Globalstar Network. On the other hand, I also had a chance to use a BriarTek Cerberlink device for several months this year, which offers 2 way communication over the Iridium Network like the inReach SE. The Cerberlink retails for a minimum of $500 plus a service plan, depending on the plan you choose. (Compared to $300 for the SE + Plan) Additionally, you have to connect and carry a smartphone for 2 way communication with the Cerberlink, (It doesn't have a screen) which is optional with the inReach SE.

I touched on this in the review, but in a particular situation we encountered we didn't so much need the outbound communication ability, but definitely needed a way to receive messages from home outside of cell range for a particular trip. Since the trip wouldn't have happened without the device, I'd say the price in our case was well worth it. :D

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Aaron (and readers).....Here is what I was talking about:


Perhaps some readers may recall the 1971 hit song by Carly Simon,,,,,You know:

Anticipation, Anticipation

Is making me late

Is keeping me waiting

Well, perhaps some younger readers may remember the lyrics and tune from the Heinz Ketchup commercial! It's played as the ketchup bottle is opened, and then you must wait and wait for the ketchup to come out. It's like....come on now, let's get going here!

That's the feeling I get when I'm prepping for a day or three on the trail. I'm anxious, I want to get the show on the road already. Oh yes, I've done the planning till I'm blue in the face. I've researched the trail, made maps; I know where the local gas station, food store, and hospital are located.

I've double checked my gear, packed and re-packed. My camera and GPS are both charged and ready. My boots are well broken in, my backpack has been tried and tested.

So yes, I am ready for the trail

Isn't half the fun getting ready, the prep work...............and the Anticipation of what lies ahead?

Yesterday for me, it was the breathtaking site of an eagle flying above Clinton Lake.

Who knows what tomorrows trail will bring?

Yes,it was indeed a good hike.

Gary M

Olathe, Kansas



Edited by Gary M
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  • 1 year later...

I have used the SPOT for some years. Last year about half of my OK messages didn't get through to my wife, despite that the message indicator showed that they transmitted OK. Did some research and saw reviews that indicated problems with sent emergency messages.

So I decided to buy the InReach SE. So far it is sending texts reliably. I often backpack alone. I keep the wife and friends informed at least twice a day of my location. The plan is, if I don't transmit for two days, they notify authorities to begin searching for me at my last location. I'm 67 so there's always the chance that the "big one" might occur and I won't be able to activate the emergency button.

Also I like the ability to draft a special text. Unplanned things happen that require an explanation.

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Excellent review. I purchased an InReach SE this spring for my 13 yo. daughter's first backpacking trip. Messaging worked great and the piece of mind was well worth it. I briefly owned a second generation SPOT a while back, it was DOA and SPOT's customer service was sub-par.

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

Thanks ogg. Since the review Delorme has come out with the Explorer model as well which offers some navigational capabilities, but I don't see myself using anything else besides the SE anytime soon...it continues to work really well.

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