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The Backpacking Food Bag: An Ultralight Approach

Aaron Zagrodnick

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

Have you followed the traditional two pounds of food per day rule only to have it fail you time and time again? You’ll likely agree that there’s nothing worse than feeling “hangry” at the end of a long day on the trail without enough to eat for dinner. Carrying extra food and weight on your back is also not the best formula for getting the most enjoyment out of any trip. You followed the pounds of food per person per day formula, why didn’t it work? When you pack for your next adventure it can pay dividends to take a closer look at what’s included in your food bag. Before leaving for your trek, take note of the total calories, protein, fiber, and number of food items. Keep a hiking food journal for the next few trips. After returning from your trips take note of how much food...

In our Issue 46 Backcountry Cuisine installment, Aaron Owens Mayhew shares tips on approaching your food bag from an ultralight perspective. Take a look at the article at the link below:

The Backpacking Food Bag: An Ultralight Approach

Backcountry Cuisine - The Ultralight Backpacking Food Bag

Issue 46 Page 1

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  • 2 months later...

Kudos to Aaron for taking  an informative approach to reducing food wt. It is an oft ignored topic in UL hiking - consumable wt and bulk.

Too add,  feeling satiated on trail begins at home by taking control of one's appetite. It's a shock to be U.S. culturally indoctrinated to constant access to unlimited food and overwhelming consumption and then go on a hike where that doesn't exist. 

Feeling satiated also factors in being hydrated, fiber rich real foods, not be overly stressed or sleep deprived,  and consumption of good fats avoiding  additives, often added to   highly processed food like substances, that may decrease satiation.

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  • 5 weeks later...

The ginger coconut smoothie sound delish. Ever try SunFood brand Golden Milk Powder similar to Turmeric lattes found at Wallyworld? I like the ingredients list including turmeric, maca, goji berry, cinnamon, ginger,  cardamom, low amt of stevia, pepper,  and boswellia. Nice to see a drink not crammed with added sugar!

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