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Trail Tip 45: Using the Library to Plan Backpacking Trips

Aaron Zagrodnick

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Aaron Zagrodnick

Even in the digital age, hiking guidebooks still serve a useful function in trip planning. With thorough descriptions of hikes in specific regions, wilderness areas, or states they can be a great tool for becoming aware of your options and developing a general framework for a trip. Combined with information found online, looking over maps, and speaking with the land management agency about your trip, guidebooks can assist you in making sure you don't end up arriving at the trailhead ignorant of what lies ahead. Unfortunately, some guidebooks can be hard to find and it can be hard to justify the cost of a guidebook for an area you might only visit once. The solution? Your local library...

@Mark shares tips on utilizing the local library to plan backpacking trips on a budget - take a look in our Issue 45 Trail Tip:

Trail Tip: Guidebooks from the Library

Trail Tip 45 - Using the Library for Trip Planning

Issue 45 Page 1

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