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A Favored Trip

Geezer Tom

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I'm sure that there are many of us that have favorite trips. I have several and thought I would share this one. I put the photos in here rather than sending people to another site. If this is a forum faux pas, please let me know.

I have done this trip 5 times and it always shows me new things. I like this route so much that I actually took a couple friends with me back in 2010.

I start at Horseshoe Meadows (Eastern Sierra) and have used all of the passes at some time or other. My favorite being New Army Pass.


Once on the top, a lot of people use this area to hit the Mt Langley summit.


Once over the pass we were basically on the back side of Mt Whitney. On this particular trip we had thunderstorms move in with a lot of blustery wind and little water.


Once we got to Crabtree Meadows light snow fell and the temp dropped. Scenery, as you can imagine, was terrific...and the fishing.


Our tiny group spent the night at Crabtree and then headed towards the Kern Canyon.


Once in the Kern Gorge the fishing changes. Kern River Rainbows are the dominate fish with some nice Browns thrown into the mix.


Walking downstream we ran into the popular Kern Hot Springs. Luckily this was late season and we had the place to ourselves.


Refreshed, we headed towards the junction back to Horseshoe Meadows. Towards other fishing and meeting new trail buddies.


Beautiful water.


Great camp spots.


After crossing the metal bridge on the Kern we headed up towards the high country and Brook Trout and Goldens.


Out over Trail Pass.


Okay, I'm Jonesing to get out. I've been hold up for 8 months now after shoulder surgery (sucks to get old) and needed to get some sort of fix. Remembering my trips helps. I am out again in mid-March to Eastern Arizona. Doesn't look like a tough trail and the fishing should be good. A gentle return. My dog (Brooke, The Wonder Dog) is more than ready. Thanks for indulging me and maybe we could look at some other packers favorite trips.


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Aaron Zagrodnick
19 hours ago, Geezer Tom said:

I put the photos in here rather than sending people to another site. If this is a forum faux pas, please let me know

No problem whatsoever, actually...dropping photos right in the post is the best way to go about it! That looks like an amazing trip - nice golden. Seems like this is one of those trips that "has it all".

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