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Andrew skurkas new book


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Andrew skurka just came out with a new book called the ultimate hikers gear guide. i got mine through amazon, and I've read though a few sections and its really well thought out. he does give some advice on specific models and brands of gear he uses, however he goes more into features of what someone should look for, and tips for making the backpacking experience more enjoyable in different conditions.

between his book and ultralight backpackin' tips by mike clelland, i think they are must reads for backpackers wanting to learn how to lighten up their packs and enjoy the hiking portion of their trip more.

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

I need to pull the trigger and order a copy - I like the fact that overall it sounds as though general gear philosophies are discussed vs. individual items of gear which would go out of date after a while. Would you say the book is geared more towards backpackers already with some experience, for the beginner, or both?

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Aaron, this book is aimed at all! That is what makes it such a great book. However, it would probably benefit the newbie hiker more than the experienced hiker. Much of the information in the book I have already come across, whether reading in various places on the net or from my own experience. But the cool thing is that a lot of great, up-to-date information is now available in those pages. As well, Andrew has done a great job at making the entire book flow. It is split up into it's own sections, but it really does just flow all together. Every page is interesting for sure.

He does focus on each piece of gear, but not specifically to certain name brands (except for his "picks" in which he does point out specific brand name items). Instead of comparing name brands and specific models, he simply points out what is important about those specific pieces of gear, what to look for once you decide to purchase them and any tips for actually using that gear.

I would highly recommend you pick one up for yourself, and if you order it from his site I believe that he will sign it before shipping it, if that is something you would want. And like I said, this book would make a great gift for newbie backpackers.

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I need to pull the trigger and order a copy - I like the fact that overall it sounds as though general gear philosophies are discussed vs. individual items of gear which would go out of date after a while. Would you say the book is geared more towards backpackers already with some experience, for the beginner, or both?

I actually think it is really for someone who has been camping a few times, maybe backpacking once or twice who is needing some direction on what to get. when you start wanting to go on some serious trips where you're wanting some new gear, there is so much advertising, shallow claims about being the best at this, the best at that, yada, yada.

In andrews book, he breaks down the pros and cons of everything, and covers a very wide range of gear. i found my gear list is similar to his for the summer in the rockies, however after reading a few of his tips, i will be taking care of feet differently, and i really like how he contrasts "stupid light" with lightweight.

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

Thanks for the info guys. Sounds like it will be a good read - I'll be ordering a copy and am looking forward to checking it out!

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Google talks just put up a video of Andrews presentation about his book. it goes over his book very well, and is a good watch

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