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Fly Fishing Gear for Backpacking


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

Hi Bemus, I carry fly fishing gear on most of my backpacking trips, at least if there's any fishing to be had. Definitely no need to carry the entire fly fishing catalog, I just use a small stuff sack and throw the bare necessities in - small foam fly box, forceps, a few leaders, and a couple tippet spools just about covers it. It can pay to compare reels as well, as this is a department where some weight can definitely be saved. A 4 piece rod makes packing pretty easy.

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I agree with Aaron.  I take a seven piece pack rod that fits inside my pack, an inexpensive reel with floating line, an extra leader or two, spools of 4lb and 2lb test tippet, and a box full of flies.  I use a drugstore "weekly pill box" to carry about 70 flies...14 compartments, five flies per compartment.  The whole show weights about 20 oz ... The whole thing fits into an airline business class goodie bag that's about 2x5x7, plus the rod.

Edited by balzaccom
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

Sounds like a nice fly box solution. While I carry a selection that will cover just about any situation, when it comes down to it...a few old standby type patterns are usually all I need and end up using in the backcountry.

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