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New national monument in new mexico


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i am pretty excited to see this. i see this as a pretty cool way for obama to help protect wilderness areas. Now before congress tries to nullify the antiquities act, he really needs to designate the greater canyonlands area as a national monument too.


info about the great canyonlands national monument


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Very good indeed.....

Also, a senate panel approved Sally Jewell to head the Department of the Interior a couple of days ago! So right now things are looking positive in Washington.

I know many forum members are probably turned off to political affairs, but this is how we make progress towards protection of our natural resources (including National Parks and Trails) vs outright exploitation and development by the highest bidder. If we don't protect today, these places could be gone tomorrow, and forever afterwards. Our children and generations to come deserve a chance to enjoy the outdoors like we do.

Gary M

Olathe, Kansas

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  • 7 months later...

Gary M;1557]tmountainnut.........

this is how we make progress towards protection of our natural resources (including National Parks and Trails) vs outright exploitation and development by the highest bidder.

Gary is right. We've been seeing it happening in Canada, where big corporations are hiring professional lobbyists to buy up chunks of our national parks. Some are companies that have been turned down in the US and are looking here to exploit our parks. Watch out. It can happen there, too.

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I'm a big time pro-environmentalist and tree-hugger, so to me it always comes down to a decision.

Exploit our parks and natural resources now for a short term financial bonanza; or continue to set aside areas and protect existing parks with the future in mind.

Usually once a resource is "developed", you just can't go back. How long does it take an area to recover from de-forrestation or fracking? Is the short term financial gain really worth it? Who benefits from this?

I want all our kids to have a chance to enjoy the outdoors like we have had.

Gary M

Olathe, Kansas

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