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New Season, More Trail Work to do


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Yep--the trailheads may not all be open yet, but it is time to get out and clean up some of those trails.


This was a day trip from the Tanglefoot Trailhead above Bear Creek Reservoir into the Mokelumne Wilderness, one of the least traveled parts of the Sierra, especially the Grand Canyon of the Mokelumne.  Our group repaired trail signs, fixed some of the drainage in the wet parts of the trails, lopped back brush, cut through about ten or twelve logs across the trail, and cleared debris from the first 3-4 miles of the trail.  And the snow plants were out in force...


And we had fun. 

As is usual in this neck of the woods, we saw a total of TWO groups of hikers during the whole day, and both of them had visited the relatively accessible Shriners Lake. We saw nobody other than our own hard-working selves once we passed that junction. 

So we hiked about seven miles, did trail work from 9-4, and went home happy and just a bit tired. 

All in a day's trail work.

The rest of the photos are here:  https://photos.app.goo.gl/7A1StNiyy5jmuKE68

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