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Best Dogs For The Trail!?


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So I have been wanting to get a dog for a good 5 years now and feel like im getting close to being at a spot in in my life to take one on! However i want to make the right decision and being that I am very involved in the outdoors with back packing and mountain biking I would like to have a dog that will be the perfect companion or my outdoor adventures! I'm sure a lot of you members on here have dogs that you take out with you or have heard good things from other hikers about the best dogs so I'm looking for some opinions on the topic as for what everyone has to say.

As far as some criteria I would like a medium size to big dog, obviously something that is well mannered and easy to train. It would be a bonus if it can handle cold temperatures but isn't necessary.


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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

I think first of all I’d look for a dog that fits your situation well. For example a high energy working dog might not be a good choice if you’re gone all day Monday through Friday and they have to stay inside during that time, and / or you aren’t able to get them enough daily physical and mental exercise.

In the medium size range I have seen dogs of all types that have handled trails really well - most dogs are pretty adaptable with the right preparation and approach which is a big part of the equation. I bet whatever you end up with will be ready to hit the trails anytime you are!

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In my experience, a well trained dog of most any breed would be ok.  Any dog that knows and understands what is expected of him will generally not cause too many problems.  Personally, I have a Lab/Shepherd mix that spends a lot of time on the trail with me.  He's generally good natured and not prone to letting his nose take over his brain as some hunting breeds might do.   Smaller breed dogs might struggle if you are covering any significant distance during the day but I think that can be worked around.  There are also harnesses made with saddlebags so a dog can carry their own food and water if necessary.

I have found that dogs are a lot like kids, teach them the expectations, be consistent and reward good behavior and you wont have too many problems with them.  A good dog on the trail is, for me, just about the perfect companion.  He might not be able to do dishes but at least he doesn't discuss politics! :D

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