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Ideas for Overnight Backpacking in California With my Dog


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Hello everyone,

DISCLAIMER: I probably sound like an idiot because I have little knowledge about backpacking so if you have anything negative to say about that go ahead and say it it'll be a good laugh for both of us

I live in Southern California and I have been wanting to do a backcountry FISHING trip with my dog before I leave to another college. I wanted some opinions on trails that you guys recommend (SPECIFICS BELOW):
What type of trip I am looking for:

1. Moderate Hike (10 mile max)

2. Dog Friendly

3. Good lakes or rivers for fishing

4. 2-3 night trip

5.  DOES NOT HAVE TO BE STRICTLY SOCAL but would prefer it

6. I will be going early summer (Late May)

7.I would love to go to the sierras

I have a 5 year old healthy English Lab/English Mastiff, his name is Tank. I don't want to push him too hard but he is used to the mountains and can hike for miles.

This will be my second time overnight backpacking and first time with my dog. 

Sorry if I left anything out I'm hungover

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  • 2 years later...

May can still be pretty snowy in the Sierra depending on the elevation.  Stay low or go later.  I love hiking with dogs. 

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  • 3 years later...

Ten miles does not sound like much until you go out there and carry 30 pounds of stuff.  I like to use a pack for my dog to carry her stuff and a couple of water bottles. 

Backpacking is a great idea.  SoCal has some good place if you can get off the trails. 

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