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Hello - Missing the Selway Bitterroot Wilderness


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Hello All, just found this site and it sort of looked inviting.

Have spent most of my 70 plus years in the outdoors or looking to get back out there.

Spent time in the Sierras and various locations around Northern CA.

The area I really liked was the Selway Bitterroot Wilderness in Montana and Idaho. In 1964 two of us spent a month crossing from Hamilton MT to what was then Moose Creek Ranch on the Selway in Idaho. Lots to see and do and game galore. Fish for breakfast and elk steak for dinner.

It was a fantastic experience but hard work as packs were quite heavy due to the time we were out there and no trail side supply depots along the way.

Am now writing of that event and other similar events.

Never really took to the laid out trails and the crowds or professional hiking routine. We generally hit out where it was quiet and the only conversation we heard was our own.

Would sometime like to spend time in the Goat Rock area off of Mount Rainier. My kid shows me some fine photos and it is still within my limits to accomplish.

Glad to meet you guys and anticipate some good reading and sharing of enjoyable times.

Jim Curts

Edited by wickiup
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  • 7 months later...

HI Jim,

I enjoyed reading your post for several reasons. First, I have been far too long away from Idaho and Montana, and want to go back to the Selway Bitterroots and do more exploring. You also reminded me of a cherished memory of a trip a bit further east, through Hamilton and into the Sapphires, down into the Copper Creek area of Montana, with my Dad not long before he passed.

But also, I grew up not far from the Goat Rocks, and through high school and into my twenties, the Goat Rocks became almost an obsession with me. Without getting too long winded, let me say that after 45 plus years of hitting the trails throughout the west, the Goat Rocks Wilderness is still my favorite haunt. Hopefully you have by now had the chance to visit.

Jeff Brooks

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