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Anyone hiked the Sheltowee Trace in Daniel Boone National Forest?


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Fair enough.  I've been in some parts of Wayne National Forest where you are warned not to use any water at all that you find due to chemical contamination.

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Older thread but yes have thrued it 2X taking the two different southern termini. For number of arches,  it rivals Arches NP. For solitude, you'll find plenty of it although the RRG area is a Touron hot spot. 

Yet another great Nat Rec Trail with established logistics that is ignored for the vastly overused AT.

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AT is great, I am sure, but I head to the trails to get away from people, generally.  I guess I am just too anti-social :) .

This one is definitely on my list this year.  As soon as the weather gets a bit more trustworthy, I will be there.

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