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REI CEO Nominated for Secretary of the Interior

Aaron Zagrodnick

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What a concept..................someone who loves the outdoors to head the Dept of the Interior!

I hate to go all political on you but.......

I live in a very red state that still doesn't believe in global warming (or even evolution for that matter), and has a Governor who is dedicated to exploitation rather than conservation of the environment as apparently the world is going to end very soon......so why not!

Yeah, I'm not kidding.

I guess I'm the crazy one as I strongly believe the Department of the Interior should preserve and protect our natural resources.

Thank you President Obama, you have given me hope.

Oh, and by the way, I have purchased from REI and have been very satisfied.

Gary M

Olathe, Kansas

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Aaron Zagrodnick

Hey Gary, I was pretty surprised to hear this myself...I for one definitely hope it results in more preservation and less development all around. We'll see what happens...Usually to be honest I don't follow these types of things too closely, but this is one news item I'll be keeping an eye on, I hope things go well!

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According to a Hispanic Business Magazine article dated 2/12/2013, Alaska's Sen. Lisa Murkowski called appointee Jewell to say she would hold up the nomination unless the Interior Department approves a 20-mile road across the remote Izembek National Wildlife Refuge on Alaska's Aleutian Peninsula.

I don't know much about what is going on in Alaska, but it seems business interests and environmental concerns once again are at odds. I would hate to see the nomination hearings or vote hampered just because an Alaskan Senator basically is making this a one issue decision for the rest of the country. People concerned about the environment and the outdoors in general should keep informed on this.

I wonder, just how many National Parks, trails, etc. have "business interests" made for the American people? Perhaps I'm just having flashbacks to the 1960's.

Gary M

Olathe, Kansas

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Aaron Zagrodnick

Wow! Sounds like politics as usual. :D Personally I'm hoping we can somehow establish more wilderness areas moving forward...Keeping my fingers crossed.

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Personally, I will be very hard pressed to believe that Sally Jewell can do anything that any regular person might be able to do. Just because SHE loves the outdoors does not make any other political player care at all.

That would be like you loving to hike and camp, and trying to pass a law at work that allows for camping once a year for a week. Unless everyone else can benefit or has a vested return in the decision... you probably better just use your PTO.

IMHO, just saying. I have talked to Sally Jewell before at REI in San Antonio. I work there. I am not all that impressed. She is just business as usual, and I don't expect her to do much more than has been done in the past. She might try and reach across party lines, so to speak, but I doubt will have much luck.

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You may be correct; just because Sally Jewell loves the outdoors does not make her any more capable to head the Department of the Interior. However, I do like the idea of having someone in this position who has both a high level of success in the private business world and with a very strong environmental record. Exactly what other attributes or qualifications are required? From what I have been able to read, Jewell has impressed both conservative and liberal environmental concerns. The Interior job seems to me to be a difficult major balancing act between very diverse groups with very different concerns.

I have seen recent political appointees for this job who seem to be too heavily influenced by business interests. Once a pristine environmental area is damaged, it may never be the same again. I don't want to sell off our precious natural resources unwisely. Jewell is fine with me vs others I have seen. I do find it interesting you met and spoke to her.

Gary M

Olathe, Kansas

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Sally Jewell, now former CEO of Recreational Equipment Inc., easily won Senate confirmation April 10th to be the Secretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior.

The Senate approved her nomination, 87-11, with all the no votes coming from Republicans.

Among previous awards, Jewell received the National Audubon Society's Rachel Carson Award in 2009 for her leadership in and dedication to conservation.

This a very important and difficult position, critical to the preservation of our natural resources, parks, and trails.

I pray she will be successful in her efforts.

Gary M

Olathe, Kansas

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