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Why do we do it?


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I have been talking with some of my coworkers about backpacking and have been asked "why do you do it?".  Face it, we end up with sore muscles, bug bites, sunburn, blisters and any number of outdoor maladies at one time or another.  The question got me kind of curious as to the good people on this forum and I though I would put the question out here to see the responses.

So, Why do you do it?

For me, it is, at times, an escape.  I prefer getting out to as remote a place as I can.  I love seeing new and wild places and effectively escaping civilization for a while.  Observing other creatures in their own natural environment is a pleasure, as well.  Mostly, though, it gives me a chance to unwind, to do a bit of mental maintenance and not worry about anything other than the immediate concerns of the here and now.

Anyone else?

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If you have to ask the question, you wouldn't understand that answer. 

People frequently tell me that they like to hike, but can't imagine spending the night in the wilderness.  I explain that they are missing the best part:  late afternoon sun, evening, the silence of night, and quality time with your companions in a way you can never experience otherwise. 

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true enough.  i get a lot of strange looks when i say that my idea of a perfect vacation is a week in the backcountry away from cell reception.

I work with a number of younger people,  well, in their 20s, so younger to me, and this topic came up in conversation.  my attempts at explanation just got me some strange looks and an “ookayy”.  i thought i would ask around and see how others responded to questions like this.

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

Great topic. For me I definitely love the ability to head out there and reset, and wilderness always has a way of bringing things into a clearer focus...it’s a place where getting rid of all the clutter just comes naturally. 

Wilderness can also be an empty canvas to challenge yourself mentally or physically and that can be appealing for many and at times for me as well...and no matter what, we get to see and experience some amazing places that relatively, few ever do. And then there’s that sense of exploration and curiosity - every time I look at a map, there’s always that drive to explore new areas or further explore areas that I’ve already been through. 

Many varied reasons without a doubt that I’m sure vary a bit for all of us - but I guess that’s part of why it never gets old!

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Your belongings are light and small.  The country is enormous. There are no outside stimulii only what you brought and all of that Nature.  No electronics, no news.  Surrounded by beauty. No schedule, eat and sleep when you want.  Calm. 

Life is simple, but if you become a trained observer, there is more going on that at home.   

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I have to say I agree.  Being somewhere with no cell reception, no planes, trains, automobiles or (especially) crowds is a definite plus for me.

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We cannot worry about trying to explain what it is like to be out there to someone who has not had the experience. 

Like balzaccom mentioned, they would not understand your answer. 

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