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Hiking Arizona Trail Tucson to Grand Canyon


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I am looking for advice on this hike which will be taking place late November -jamuary. 

I'm looking for any input at all but mainly

-resupply points

-excess gear

-personal experiences

i want to spend about a week at the Grand Canyon. And perhaps continue to the Utah cliffs afterward.

looking for insight. 

Thank you

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Are you from Arizona? I ask because if you're not, the temperature ranges are going to vary widely depending on not only what part of the state you're in but even from one side of the mountain to the other. If you start in the valley and hike up Mt. Lemmon, for example, you could start in nice, warm(er) weather and be greeted by snow at the top. There's even a ski resort up there.

If you haven't already, be sure to check out the Arizona Trail website:


For resupply points:


Also make sure you check out the National Park Service website for the Grand Canyon for winter hiking:


Make sure to take lots of pictures and let us know how it goes!

Edited by Outlier
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