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Rae Lakes Loop in late July


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My son (17 going on 45) and I are doing this hike in late July (27 July - Aug 2). I have a permit for 5 but 3 others in our group fell out. I have an opening for 3, I hate to waste the slots. If anyone is interested reach out and we can discuss if it's a good fit. I'm new to the forum but experienced outdoors person and have done multi day hikes all over the west. Details on the hike:

Entering at Kearsarge Pass south of Lone Pine, CA. Inyo National Forest and Kings Canyon NP, exiting the same way (loop).

2015 CA 2.jpg

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  • 4 weeks later...

Doing the same loop but starting at Road's End going clockwise starting July 24. Might see you on the trail! I also have extra permits.

Any research on alternate creek crossings at Junction Meadow, Upper Paradise, or Arrowhead Lake? The snow, rain, flooding, etc doesn't bother me, but creek/river crossings are sometimes impossible.

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