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Mesh Tents and Snags


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I have recently purchased a Marmot Tungsten 2P UL tent.  Upon initially setting it up at home, I notice that there are snags in the mesh fabric all over the tent.  There are at least 7 of these "mesh deformations" that are very easy to notice.  I do not think they create holes big enough for bugs to get through, but I am worried that with use, the fabric may stretch in these locations and create holes.

Is this common in mesh tents? I can see this happening if a tent has been used for a period of time, but I am worried that this is a new tent and I am already seeing snags.

Your advice is appreciated!




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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

I've noticed similar mesh runs on my tents, sometimes right off the bat or after a trip or two either as a result of the trips or perhaps just as likely, that's when I first noticed them. I think it may just be luck of the draw but I haven't noticed those areas becoming failure points through use...although the same cannot be said of other areas that have needed a bit of repair! If it's currently bug-proof I would tend to roll with it, but that's just me...you could always try an exchange to see if you get one that looks better, worse, or the same. :) McNett offers some ready-made netting patches if worse comes to worse down the line as well.

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