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I <3 Backpacking!


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Hi everyone! I've been a subscriber of TrailGroove for awhile and finally decided to participate in the fora when I ran across an old post about aluminum vs. titanium cookware. As an avid backpacker in the PNW and an employee of REI and gear nerd, I think I have a lot to offer and I love sharing experiences and learning from others. Every trip I take and many conversations I have with friends and customers represent an opportunity to expand my knowledge and skills.

I've been hiking all of my life sporadically from California and Hawaii to Ohio and the Carolinas, but have become much more serious since I moved to the PNW because [see picture]... the Cascade Range. *sigh* Every year, my wonderful husband and I take longer trips with more mileage in preparation for a goal of hiking the John Muir Trail. I absolutely love California's Sierra range, as well. We've done a fair amount of backpacking in Oregon and N. California and would like to complete the Wonderland Trail (possibly this year, maybe next). Would also like to spend some time in the Canadian Rockies. Of course, there is also Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming that we would love to spend some time in. We tend to prefer mountains, alpine lakes, and lots of conifers. So many hikes, so little time. I wish I were already retired.

I look forward to participating at TrailGroove and getting to know this community. Thanks for having me!

Happy trails and dusty boots,



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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

Hi Ann! I tend to like those mountain trips myself. I am sure the JMT will be great and sounds like you have plenty of other great places to explore in the meantime as well. Welcome to the forum!

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I also am addicted to the Sierra's (have a trip back to Yosemite/King's Canyon in late July).  Welcome!

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