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Thousand Island Lake - Ansel Adams Wilderness


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The Readers Digest version. This is probably my 5th backpack trip.  Ever.  A quick overnighter and another grand adventure in the books. 16+ mile round trip overnight backpack to see what I have dreamed of. Trail Notes: The Range of Light.  Every step uphill is a step closer to Nirvana. Every dog on the trail was warmly greeted with a "Hi Baby!"  How can my hips have outgrown my mummy bag?When the weather man says no rain, be sure to bring a rain jacket...always. Because it will rain. Because it will hail. Spur trails are an adventure in themselves. Bouldering! Sometimes, one is not really lost, sometimes one just doesn't know where the trail is. Someone who shall remain nameless thought it was a brilliant idea to pee in a gallon baggie in her tent instead of stumbling around the boulders in the cold, dark night. Someone who apparently is not a genius and who shall still remain nameless should be sure there isn't a hole in said baggie. Welcome to the reenactment of Moses parting the Red Sea...er...Yellow Sea! Tidal waves of pee.  Pre-dawn silent laughter. Good times with great ladies. Daydreaming of the next adventure already.






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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

Awesome photos and enjoyed the report! The description sounds like a pretty par for the course type trip. :lol: Beautiful place. 

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