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It Evicts the Self: Off-trail Travel in Glacier National Park

Aaron Zagrodnick

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

I woke to the scattered splash of something in shallow water and the dry clatter of loose, melon-sized cobbles under heavy feet. It was 430 in the morning, and I could see hazy stars through the open door of my Megamid. It was pitched forty feet from the edge of the river, tight in amongst spindly young aspens. Between the continuous rush of the shallow, late-summer river, and the soft sand under my thermarest it took a stark noise indeed to wake me at this hour...

Dave Chenault takes a look at the intricacies and philosophy behind breaking free of trail systems in the Glacier backcountry, read the full article below in Issue 5:

It Evicts the Self: Off-trail Travel in Glacier National Park

Issue 5 Page 1

Hiking Off-Trail in Glacier National Park

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