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Article: Issue 5

Aaron Zagrodnick

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Aaron, another excellent job. I now find myself anticipating each issue. Your production value is excellent and the photography is always amazing! I now prefer reading TrailGroove vs. Backpacker. It feels more connected whereas Backpacker tries to appeal to a more general audience. Keep up the great work!

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Aaron Zagrodnick

Thanks WanderAR! Great to hear that you're enjoying the mag so far and thanks for taking a look at Issue 5!

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Aaron, really enjoyed The Drive Home: The Extra Mile!....We have a 8month old, and ironically enough a Blue Heeler. Conquered a few day day hikes but not an overnighter yet. Its nice to see other folks introducing young'ns to the outdoors! Keep on truckin!

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

Thanks Jason! :D While it's not always easy, there's usually a way to make it happen, kids included!

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