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Beginner spots near Hampton Roads?


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Hi everybody!

A friend and I do everything outside together... fishing, archery, camping, heck, we even tried our hand at smithing.  We have decided that this summer we want to get into backpacking and hammock camping. 

We are looking for a relatively short overnight trail to start, just to test our gear and ourselves.  We would REALLY prefer it if the trail led to either a river or lake where it is legal to fish.  It would also be preferable if we didn't have to drive more than three hours. (Shenandoah is in our limit.)  Both of us are  relatively fit and have done day hiking before. We are both up for wading, climbing, etc. if necessary.  

Does anyone know of any trails in the area that match the description we are looking for?  If so, what permits would be required?



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Can't help you, but if you have not found hammockforums.net you should check it out, lots of info about hammock camping and there is likely someone there who could give you some destination suggestions.

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  • 2 months later...

go ahead and get used to driving to the shenendoah.......I spent 4 years living in your area and drove up there almost every weekend.....

heres a great link


I recommend this guide book ( kept me occupied till I turned my attention to the AT


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