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Sawyer Squeeze Question


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Question for you Sawyer Squeeze users. I have noticed that if I apply a little too much pressure to the water bag when filtering that water comes out of the two holes on the side of the filter about 2/3 of the way down. I'm assuming these are some sort of pressure relief holes. My question is if the water coming out of the holes is adequately filtered as the water tends to run down the rest of the filter and sometimes into my clean water container. I've sent an email to Sawyer but have not received a reply. Does anyone have any insight into this? Thanks!

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Aaron Zagrodnick

Hey WanderAR, I don't have the Sawyer Squeeze but have been using the 3 way SP122...Definitely no pressure relief ports on mine. I would guess that if you have water coming out at a point prior to the actual filter outlet, it's not safe... Interested to see what Sawyer has to say if they end up getting back to you...

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Aaron, I have the same concern that the water coming out of those holes is not properly filtered. It has been some time since I sent the email to Sawyer with no reply. I was hoping someone on the forum knew something about this. I'll send another email and hopefully get a reply.

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Update, I sent another email to Sawyer and got a quick response this time. They said the water should be filtered but it should still not come out of those holes. I can send it to them with a return address and they will replace it.

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