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Hello, I'm a new member of TrailGroove. I heard about this site on the Gossamer website from Stick. I have had the opportunity to backpack in Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska. I'm still learning how to cut down the weight of my backpack. I have to get away from the be prepared, take two of everything thinking that makes my pack so heavy.

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

Welcome to the site Lydwas! I think that for most of us, the gear list always seems to be a work in progress one way or the other... :)

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Welcome to the site Lydwas, and thanks for the mention! A huge congrats on your decision to lighten up your pack too. As Aaron has mentioned, it does seem like it is ALWAYS a work in progress...but hey, I completely enjoy that part of it too! But as you already alluded to, by taking only 1 of everything that you NEED and leaving behind the others is a great way to start lowering the weight on your pack. Another good thing is by trying to carry multiuse items, however, I would advise to do this a bit slowly. The downside is if that one multiuse thing fails, then you are without more than just one item... So, take it slow and steady and take time to get to know how to properly use and care for each item and you will do just fine!

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