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weather planning


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Hi all,

Wondering if you have any tips on how to look for where there will be good weather for camping planning?  Of course, I know I can look up weather for specific places I may know of. But what about looking for good weather for places I dont specifically know about?

For example, this weekend is not looking good in the Blue Ridge mountains in Georgia. So, I could go south, or west but I have no idea what places there are there.

feel me?

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You have a few options available.One would be to talk to someone at one of the nearby National Forests, State Parks or other recreational headquarters  for advice and obtain a map showing camping spots. Contact some with the Sierra Club or other hiking organization to get advice. Get some guide books for some of the surrounding areas. It's probably best to get a general idea with recreational maps and then narrow the field down by checking out NOAA website to see what area would be favorable for camping. Of course the internet is also a good resource. Just google "camping in Georgia" will bring up dozens of suggestions. See which ones appeal to you and check NOAA for the weather. Once you learn more about the opportunities the easier it becomes the next time out. I'm sure others can add more suggestions ,including some more specific to your area.

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It is easy to get weather info for 10 days now. Many remote stations are not measured, but interpolated.  Elevation plays a large part, especially in the West.  When in doubt add some extra clothes. "There is no bad weather only bad clothes."

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I have to be the one to say this, so here goes.  I'd suggest you not worry so much about it.  Pick a destination and just go.  I've had so many trips I didn't take due to weather predictions and then the weather was perfect and I missed out on a great weekend.  I've had other times the weather was predicted perfect and it rained all weekend.  Now, after years of dealing with the ridiculous weather predictions, I just plan my trip and go.  If you pack correctly with quality gear you will have a great trip regardless of the weather.

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