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Hi from Michigan!


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Wow, so I'm a true newbie.... I'm gonna be shockingly honest here as I'm really looking for some honest replies! I'm 32,female, and out of shape. Ive never hiked before! I have always wanted to since I was young. I remember my family camping trips being the only one begging an adult to take me down the trails while the other kids were begging to go to the rec room. last year i travelled to England, my first trip abroad and since then i realized i dont know why i waited so long to get out and do things ive alwaya wanted to do. So im finishing my degree, and planning a hike, maybe just a day hike or two to get my bearings, but then i want to really get out there a couple times a year for a big hike. I prefer groups, and am in the process. Any information on getting going would be awesome!


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  • Premium Member

Welcome to TrailGroove, Kristen! I think it's a great idea to get out there for some day hikes. Nothing prepares you physically & mentally for a big hike better than just hiking, even in small doses.

There are a lot of experienced hikers here on the forum, so please feel free to ask any questions you have. Happy Hiking!

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