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Hello from Stumptown....aka Portland, OR!


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Just saw Stick's blog post about this website and thought I would check it out. I'm getting ready to go back to walk the Camino de Santiago again....this time from Porto, Portugal. Love backpacking and have done the West Coast Trail on Vancouver Island this May, plus lots of local backpacks in the Cascades and the Olympic NP. Planning for some trips to Montana and Arizona this coming year. Also getting into hammocking, my new addiction, I fear. I've been trying to lighten my load and consider myself to be a lightweight backpacker. There's always room for improvement!

I'm going to download the digital pdf's to my tablet for my airplane ride to Europe next week. Looking forward to checking out the online magazine. Looks good so far!

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

Hello RenegadePilgrim and welcome to the site! Glad you're liking the magazine so far and hopefully it can help to provide some entertainment on that long flight! :D

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