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Who is the best presidential candidate for hikers?


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On the one hand, Sanders seems like he sincerely cares most about the environment. Being from Vermont, he has experience with and affinity towards rural areas. On the other hand, Trump is a nationalist and wants to decrease immigration, which will lower population growth and hence lower pollution and over-crowding. 

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I didn't know we could do politics here but, cool.

Given the GOP has been hijacked by Teapartiers Donald, Eduardo Rafael, Marco, etc. are with all due respect and IMO the last folks a person that wants the planet to thrive goes with; either you want to bring back the nucleus of one of the greatest economic teams the country's ever had with Hillary or feel the Bern. Although I know Bundystan is never coming to Federal Lands in the interest of quieting treasonous calls for land grabs by deceitful hypocrites wrapping themselves in the flag I'd like to see every elected official pledge they'll never support local takeover of Federal Lands and honor the State Constitutions that forever give up title to those lands. 

"think!. It's very patriotic!"

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Historically Democrats have been more environmentally conscious than republicans who favor extraction for economic gain over saving nature.  There are those who are exceptions to the rule but usually party politics wins out. I hope Donald Trump wins the Republican nomination because most people with a brain won't vote for that bigoted fool in the presidential election. He belongs on a reality show, not running the nation. 

The sad thing is that the environment is rapidly losing the battle while political games continue to take everything down the rabbit hole. The main question is whether humans can or even want to reverse course.

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The conservative movement to turn over Federal lands to the States is disturbing.  There is plenty of talk of selling public lands.  The whole discussion makes me uneasy.

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