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Spring in the Ozarks


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Well it's an early spring in the Arkansas Ozarks. I can't wait to get on the trail todo some backpacking and camping. I'll be out there this weekend as soon as I get my wife's garden tilled. I can't decide if I want to do the Ozark Highland Trail or the Buffalo River Trail.

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

Hey Linedawg,

Early spring here in Wyoming as well - I'm just over a mile high...No snow to be found. Hopefully you can get the garden in order quickly and make it out first thing this weekend! :D I was out your way and did a long weekend trip on the Ouachita Trail a while back. I say a while but now that I think about it that was about 20 years ago! Being my first backpacking / camping trip outside of my home state, (TX) those hills were definitely a new experience. (And tough!) Very beautiful and remote country for sure. Completing the hike I started back then and thruhiking the whole trail into Oklahoma is definitely still on my list.

Doesn’t look like you can go wrong with either of your two choices for this weekend, that’s for sure.

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  • 11 months later...

Hey Aaron, That is a great pic of your dog,,, what kind is it... Pretty....

Where are you living, I was working in Casper from Jul. 2011 until Jan 2012.

I really liked Casper....

Take Care

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

Thanks CSLee & welcome to the site! She's a Blue Heeler and a great hiking dog...We're a bit west of Casper out in Lander. Currently dreaming of less snow and some better backpacking opportunities this spring! :D

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She looks like a great dog.... Lander is one beautiful place, breathtaking.... Thanks for the Welcome, the magazine is a work of art. I'm really glad I heard about your site from the "The Trail Show" podcast, I wish I'd of

known about it earlier...

Take Care

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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

No problem CSLee, and thanks for the comments on the Mag!

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  • 2 months later...

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