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Which stove?


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Hi gang,

My goal is to use stove for light backpacking and car camping with my 6 year old. Not sure which of these can handle cooking pancakes, eggs,

Trying to decide between:

Minimo Jetboil- yes heaviest and bulkiest but I dont have to buy a pot

Esbit Stove - can it cook on a bigger pan, pancakes, eggs, etc?

Ekcity Mini stove + mini butane (similar to Pocket rocket but cheaper, on Amazon) -can it cook on a bigger pan, pancakes, eggs, etc?


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If you want one stove for backpacking and carcamping, the last stove is better choice.

Truthfully, though, I'd use the canister stove as an inexpensive, all-purpose backpacking stove, and something like a small propane stove for car camping. 


More stable than a backpacking canister stove and better for the more elaborate care camping type meals. And the fuel can be found anywhere.

The Jetboil may come with a pot, but it is really good for "boil and cook" type meals more rapidly. Esbit? Very light..but good for boiling water mainly and solo.

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Esbit is very slow when it comes to boiling times and has low heat output. If you want to make eggs and pancakes, probably not the best choice.

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Esbits make water warm if you are patient. Excity, Pocket Rocket, Giga Power, etc., are great burners but useless without a pot/pan, which is separate quest.

I'm a regular Jetboil guy but not a fan of the Minimo. I think the Zip & Micromo are a better setup and take less room in a pack. Jetboils come with a pot stand for using a frying pan or bigger pot. My Jetboil uses half the fuel of my Giga Power.

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What about an alcohol stove system? It will boil my water in about 5 to 7 minutes and if your careful you can cook the eggs and all that. If i needed to some can burn wood with them as well. I have used canisters (the msr reactor and a knock off jet boil) and they are great but don't simmer very well. With wood especially, you can get the temperature just right for cooking (after some practice) real food. 

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Im gonna stick to a Coleman canister that I already have (not uber ultra light but a good start) +GSI Soloist Pinnacle. :)

Thank you all !

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