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grand canyon


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flying into las vegas mid January for 8 days travel/hiking.  have Joshua tree park on our list but also thinking of grand canyon, but wondering if a winter hike there is do-able without special gear?

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Winter hiking in the Grand Canyon is awesome! You will need traction devices for your boots like yak tracs or micro spikes. Trekking poles are also useful. But without traction for your feet, you might get to the river way faster than you want.

If you backpack into the canyon, expect 40-50's during the day and 20's at night in January. There is a taxi service for point to point trips, and some of the buses still run. I think winter is the best time in the Grand Canyon!

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Yes, the roads are plowed. Right after big snowstorms, they will close some of the roads until they can plow them. Grand Canyon village sits at about 8000 ft and can be snowy. Hopefully the van is front wheel drive. 


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For GC NP, road access by automobiles to the N. Rim is closed until the spring because of weather. S Rim roads stay open. The S Rim does get COLD and it does snow there but a hike down into the inner canyon can be pleasant in winter but possibly icy and with snow at the S Rim and on the descent to some point and then it can be like a different world or a different season with IDEAL backpacking weather once at the Tonto Tr.

With snow at the rim, winter sunsets, no heat, no crowds, etc late fall, winter, and early spring CAN BE IDEAL GC visitation time.

It's not going to be Joshua Tree NP weather in Jan by any means though most evidently at the rims but it depends on what exact elev you will be at in J NP as it ranges. The S Rim is an avg of almost 7k ft  higher avg overall.  

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You will need a permit. GC is highly regulated. Snow is common in winter on the upper parts and traction is very important.

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