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Epic Rides in the Carson Tahoe area


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Just to toot my little towns celeb status, Carson City was nationally voted  #5 Best Place to Retire.  We have access to amazing outdoor recreation.  In June 2016 our area will host Epic Rides and Music Festival. Pretty cool.. Also cool was seeing my mug on a downtown banner heralding our community. :P



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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

Very cool TollerMom - Great helmet decor! :lol: I need to get out and hit a few more local MTB trails before the snow makes riding a little more interesting!

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Toller Mom's a N. Carson St banner celebrity. :D

Pretty State House grounds. AP is coming on. Nearby hamlets of Genoa and historic Virginia City are worthy of touristy visits. Nevada State Railroad Museum is worth a stop if you like history and trains; I enjoyed it. Bird watching at Scripps Wildlife Area on Lake Washoe was enjoyed. 

To the west of the "city" is what everyone talks about and for some good reasons but there is  another area with some different "characteristics."   Plenty of nearby adventure   to the east. I've hiked around Lohontan Reservoir in Silver Springs(in a snowstorm!, AWESOME), hiked from Ft Churchill State Historic Park to Carson City along the Carson River(Amazing to consider the BROWN BROWN BROWN TOTALLY deforested area of eastern Carson City was once  heavily forested with Pinion Pine that  was virtually clear cut of virgin timber, Carson River is still contaminated with  heavy metals from extensive historical  mining), off trail crest traversed from historic Virginia City(great drive up by car!) to Fernley, bicycled many times between Silver Springs and Reno through Carson City and bicycled from Silver Springs to Carson City over Kingsbury Grade and around Lake Tahoe back to Silver Springs/Stagecoach/Fernley via Mt Rose Hwy and Lincoln Hwy.

As a Nevadan I'm sure you're aware the lion's share of the state budget goes to Las Vegas and it shows. Only state capital I know of with no Amtrak or  Greyhound service. Very limited regional bus connection service to Reno and  south along 395 which has involved most of my "just passin through town", often with a fast as I can agenda. Even the new modern centralized large library operates on severely restricted hrs. Both the Nevada State Police and Carson City Sheriff's Dept aren't so keen IMHO about people like ME and  others lumping us all into the homeless delinquent degenerate category walking around town or on state roads  with backpacks assuming a very skeptical demeanor  towards us. Definite NO NO attempting to hitchhike which all makes it hard to get around vast distances without a motor vehicle. But hey IF you fit the model of the visitor norm or outdoorsy person  providing significant economic input to the city with $ to burn come on in seemed to be the Carson City modus operandi.

Retire in Carson City? WITH $$ a very BIG MAYBE. Move there seeking to get a decent paying job in a state with extremely high unemployment dealing with all the number of speed freaks I've encountered on my walks and even attempting to steal my backpack from shopping carts and  from behind Walmart cashier counters,  NO WAY!       

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I'm still bristling from some of the perceived ways I've experienced Carson City. I'm not the only one to note these experiences either. Sorry, I apologize for taking your thread somewhat off topic TollerMom.

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  • 2 years later...
  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick

Good reminder to get back out, with all the snow we've had have been sticking to hiking and running as of late, but always good to mix it up a bit every now and then!

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