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Newbie Looking For Advice!


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Hi!  I'm new here, and new to backpacking in general. I've got a couple questions for some experienced outdoors-y types =)  I'm leaving for a vacation soon, and it's going to involve a lot of walking, sight seeing, and other physical activities.  I'm not in the best shape, but I've been working out recently to get in better shape for the trip.  I have a bad back due to weak core muscles and a large bust.  This doesn't affect walking or sitting, but standing is almost unbearable.  Walking is occasionally affected by breathing issues from (recently diagnosed) chronic asthma/decreased lung capacity.  To help with these issues, I've decided to bring a folding chair.

I'd like to use a backpack to tote around a few items, id, credit cards, camera, other necessities, and my chair.  I'm not sure how to attach the chair to the backpack - I'd prefer to leave it on the outside of the pack, for quick access.  Right now I have some utility straps on order from Amazon, but I'm not sure if they're the best option.  Any tips or opinions?

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Depends on your choice of pack and the chair you want to attach to it. Alot of packs have an assortment of straps on them that allow securing stuff on the outside.
If you haven't bought the pack yet, look for one that has outside attachment points and straps for that purpose.

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I'm actually still looking for a backpack.  I'd like one that's lightweight, and where I can carry as much of the weight as possible on my hips.  I was thinking of getting a Paladineer pack, as they're fairly inexpensive, but still have good reviews on Amazon and some recommendations around the web.



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If you want a chair that's pretty portable, there are a lot of options in backpacking type chairs (some of which weigh just over a pound), here's one that's pretty inexpensive if you don't plan to give it hard use:  http://www.rei.com/product/765270/rei-camp-stowaway-low-chair

I think this might work in terms of weight and less bulk--which you will find becomes more important as you (hopefully) ramp up to backpacks as opposed to dayhikes.

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The REI Flex Lite and the Alite Mayfly would be a lot easier to carry and fold small enough to put inside your pack. I think pulling one of those chairs out of a lightly loaded small pack would be more "quick access" than unlashing it from the outside of your pack.

The first pack you linked is a standard small day pack and looks decent. The second is a big pack that you'd be tempted to fill so that it becomes painfully heavy. Especially if it has a 6# chair tied on that's too big to fit inside.

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As far as backpacks, I would stick to a top brand, Osprey, Gregory, REI, etc., For a chair get the same REI chair from Bangood $34, ships from China but I've bought a few things from them and all were good, allow extra time for shipping.

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