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Backpack with built-in sun and rain canopy

Jack Abraham

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Jack Abraham

greetings to all trail heads all over the world, i came up with a rather wild invention that i think many of you would like to have one day. as the title says, it is a backpack with a built-in sun and rain canopy you can see at http://www.quirky.com/ideations/281930

it extends and retracts instantly, protects user from the hot sun and rain and is great for photographers. another option might be to have the unit itself that can go strap onto frame packs.

check it out and let me know what you think. thought it would be a good idea to get feedback from people who would actually use this.thanks!

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Nothing wrong with this. It would have it's specific time and places of use though. I couldn't imagine hiking in the woods with this because of all the snags on branches and low overhangs. But someone hiking in desert or above treeline areas might like the shade from direct sunrays. Best of Luck.

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That looks pretty good, snags notwithstanding. I think also you have to make sure everything in your pack is shipshape since the water looks like it is running right into it on the back. Nice invention Jack!

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