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Hiking with DVT


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I am curious if anyone out there has DVT (blood clots) and is currently hiking while being treated or recently treated.

My doctor tells me that "walking is ok, so hiking should be ok" but I am concerned with bleeding, etc. I was just released from taking Warfarin so I should be ok but if there is any input out there I would love to hear from you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

no real experience here, but if I were taking a blood thinner, I would worry about getting a good cut on the trail and not being able to have it stop bleeding. I would pack some compression bandages, and maybe some duct tape, just in case I got a gash and had to walk out spurting the whole way

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  • 2 weeks later...

According to my western trained medical practitioners I'm supposed to be taking Warfarin(Coumadin) everyday for the rest of my life for it's blood thinning effects however I thin my blood synergistically through careful lifestyle choices and supplements under the supervision of those doctors along with two holistic integrative health care practitioners. I don't sweat bleeding out but I am careful as to what I attempt solo in remote areas. My footwork and balance is pretty damn good though. I'm also trained in first response and will sometimes carry blood clotting materials should I get deeply gashed. I think you are in a different situation that requires you discussing your plans w/ your doctors not here.

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