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August Giveaway

Aaron Zagrodnick



Note: This giveaway ended 8/8/15.

With summer backpacking and hiking in full swing, time for a new giveaway! This one will be over pretty fast, so get in while you can.

TrailGroove Summer Giveaway - Lupine

How to Enter

  • Leave a comment below on this blog entry describing your favorite backpacking/hiking destination so far this year, and why.
  • Your comment counts as one entry.
  • Once entered, earn another entry for every post you make on the forum between 8/4 and the giveaway drawing. (Maximum 10 entries total)
  • Entries end Saturday 8/8 at Noon Mountain Time. We'll randomly draw one winner from available entries on and we'll contact the winner via a private message.
  • The winner will receive a $75 gift code to use at CampSaver.com, and we'll throw in any shirt or hat from the TrailGroove Store.
  • If you have a premium membership, we'll automatically enter you in the drawing, and you can earn up to 20 total entries!

The Fine Print:

For entries to count, the posts should be applicable to backpacking, hiking, the outdoors, etc., and at least somewhat constructive. For instance, we won't be able to count intentionally repeated posts, one word posts (Unless it's a really good one word post), or posts that don't meet our basic forum guidelines agreed to when you register. Essentially, we'll be able to count all normal discussion.

Thanks for visiting, and good luck!

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Recommended Comments

Ok, I'll bite................

My favorite hiking destination this year was Perry Lake, Kansas.

Nothing really fantastic about the Perry Lake trails.  I like to hike the Northeast portion, which includes the Old Military trail and the Little Slough Creek trail.  From the bluffs, you get a good view of Perry Lake, and the trail along Little Slough Creek is nice.

Nice, but not really breathtaking.  Most TrailGroove readers would probably be bored, too easy they might say.

So why was it my favorite this year?

Because its the trail I took my two sons on years ago to introduce them to hiking and backpacking.

Its the best reason of them all to be on the trail.

Perry Lake Trail Map 

Gary M

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Is it cheating if I have two favorite trips this year?  The first was just this weekend where a few of my girlfriends and I hiked up Kearsarge Pass in the Eastern Sierra of California.  The hike was about 10 miles Rt and we gained 2600' in elevation ending up at 11,785'.  We range in age from 52-67 and we encouraged each other to make it to the top.  

The second was hiking the Alps of Switzerland!  Seeing the Matterhorn up close and personal, hiking up to sleep a night in a mountain hut, standing above a glacier so huge, my spirit was like an infinity pool..full to the top and overflowing.





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Posted (edited)

I don't get many opportunities to travel. So my favorite destination so far this year is in my home state of Indiana. Most people probably think Indiana is just flat farmland. Ok, so there is  a lot of that. But there are also lots of worthy hikes. I often visit Shades state park in  western  Indiana. It has many unique geological formations such as the devil's backbone and many steep ravines. Many of the trails follow creek beds. And you often find yourself climbing  up waterfalls. I usually spend a weekend there overniting in the walk in backpack camping area. As far as backpacking goes, the designated backpacking camp is pretty luxurious.  It has established campsites, picnic tables,  fire rings, a water spigot and a pit toilet. (No need to filter water or dig a cat hole!!) It's a great place to spend a weekend, and excellent for a beginner backpacker. 

Edited by Outdoorsmom76
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My best trip this year has been to Egypt Lake in Banff Ntl. Park.

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Joe from NorCal


I took my scout troop to a secret spot in the Stanislaus National Forest that I went to as a scout. It was great to share this great area with my boys.

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This year for me has focused on shorter trips with the family. Of all the trips the scenery of Red River Gorge is what sticks out in my mind. Natural arches, cliffs and rock formations everywhere. Really trying to introduce a love of nature and backpacking to my boy.

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Most of my hiking has to be family friendly these days.  We found World's End State Park and the State Forest around it to be fantastic hiking location.  There are streams with some deep holes to jump and play in along several trails.  There is very little cell reception, but the views are some of the best in PA.

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Luck to be near Harpers Ferry WV to be able to hike about in this area.  There are trails for all types of hikers... C&O towpath for those with strollers, small children or knee issues- wonderful views of the Potomac River.  Some times a bigger challenge is needed so head up to view the vistas of Weaverton heights or Maryland Heights each with a reward of overlooks.  Or a bigger challenge head on the Flip Flop Hike on the AT- a dream hike for the future.  Until then there are great Multi day hike from Harpers Ferry to Shenandoah National Park. Hint hire local shuttle drivers (www.rivertrail.com)


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Wild, rugged, and weathered - the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge in central Oklahoma is a symbol of the old west standing at the threshold of modern times. The natural attractions of the refuge are many and varied. In addition to viewing and photographing wildlife in their natural setting, visitors find the lakes, streams, canyons, mountains and grasslands ideal for hiking, fishing, and other outdoor activities. Elk Mountain lies within the Charons Garden Wilderness Area in the western corner of the refuge. You may not think of rocky-topped mountains when you envisage Oklahoma, but this hike to the summit may surprise you with its challenging terrain.


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Of course my favorite area is the Tetons, but my favorite hike so far this year was a 7.8 mile (15.8 round trip) day hike to the spectacular Union Falls in southern Yellowstone. 


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  • Premium Member
Aaron Zagrodnick


Thanks to everyone for all the entries, destination ideas, and some great photos! Our winner is TrailGroove member @DHARDY with an automatic premium member entry. We'll be reaching out via a private message, congrats!

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