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New Year Resolution??

Gary M

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Anyone with a TrailGroove type New Years Resolution??

Perhaps a trail never attempted, a mountain never climbed!

Gary M

Smithville Lake October 2015 025.JPG



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I resolve to day hike to Thousand Island Lakes from Agnew Meadows (in Mammoth).  

It's 15 miles RT via the River Trail. I would much rather push thru 15 miles in a day than hump a 35 pound backpack overnight.. 

I also have a trip planned to see Glacier National Park this summer with my girlfriends.  We booked our flights today.

Dream it, plan it, do it!  Happy New Year 2016.



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1 hour ago, TollerMom said:

I resolve to day hike to Thousand Island Lakes from Agnew Meadows (in Mammoth).  

It's 15 miles RT via the River Trail. I would much rather push thru 15 miles in a day than hump a 35 pound backpack overnight.. 

I also have a trip planned to see Glacier National Park this summer with my girlfriends.  We booked our flights today.

Dream it, plan it, do it!  Happy New Year 2016.




 Very nice!

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My first goal, which is the same as 2014 and 2015, is to do 10 nights backpacking. Second is to go off trail for my first time and random backpack. I am already scouting out a few spots in Banff National Park to do this.

Happy New Year to everyone too! 

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not much of a resolution person, but I totally agree with TollerMom (dream it, plan it, do it!).  My list for this year (which I am sure will grow as I am retiring 2/1/16):

1. Canadian Rockies (skoki valley and mt assiniboine so far in our planning)

2. Wind River mountains/Freemont peak (had to cancel this last September, so definitely doing it this year)

3. start climbing more bi-centennial peaks in Colorado (bi-centennials are the 200 highest; have already done all the 14teeners and centennials, now working on this list. Essentially, it's peaks between 13,500 and 13,800 feet in elevation)

On the "hope to" list:

1. return to Yosemite--been six times but most recent trip was 2005--way too long ago!

2. possible trip to Isle Royale National Park in conjunction with attending my nephews wedding in Minneapolis this September.

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22 hours ago, TollerMom said:

I resolve to day hike to Thousand Island Lakes from Agnew Meadows (in Mammoth).  

It's 15 miles RT via the River Trail. I would much rather push thru 15 miles in a day than hump a 35 pound backpack overnight...

I hear you on the dayhike.  If you haven't already seen them, Ediza, Iceberg, and Cecile Lakes in the same area are IMHO more scenic, and you can do a loop from Agnew to Devil's Postpile and take the shuttle back.  I think it's closer to 20 miles, but you'd be fine.

As for my own stuff, I'm mostly looking at doing some long traverses for speed in the Cascades and Sierra -- type II fun.  It would be nice to do some Real Mountaineering this season, but that can be hard to arrange.

Edited by seano
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No big goals, just spend more time/nights outside. My kids are getting bigger, so they are starting to hit the ages where I can sleep outside and they can join me :)

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19 hours ago, balzaccom said:

Time.  All I need is more time.  My new year's resolution is to make time.  Honest.

Exactly. About 10 more weekends during the summer would be perfect. ;)

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